Lucía Tiscornia
University College Dublin
Ines Fynn
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Verónica Pérez Bentancur
Universidad de la República
Gustavo Diaz
McMaster University
Slides and paper:
How does criminal governance work when state presence/capacity is high?
Ability to control a community’s behavior
Ability to control a community’s behavior with the goal of profiting from illicit markets
Ability to control a community’s behavior with the goal of profiting from illicit markets; manifest in political, economic, and social spheres.
Mechanisms of control:
During the last six months, in your neighborhood, have you seen criminal organizations…
How many X do you know,
How many X do you know, who also know you,
How many X do you know, who also know you, with whom you have interacted in the last year
How many X do you know, who also know you, with whom you have interacted in the last year in person, by phone, or any other channel?
From Las Piedras
Male 25-29
Police officers
University students
Had a kid last year
Passed away last year
Married last year
Female 45-49
Public employees
Welfare card holders
Registered with party
With kids in public school
Did not vote in last election
Currently in jail
Recently unemployed